Custom Quilt

The Inspiration 

 The inspiration for your custom quilt can come from anywhere. The idea for this ombre diamond quilt came from watching the sunset at my local beach (the beaches in Western Australia are downright gorgeous) , the delicious fade from bright orange to deep dark blue. One of my favourite places is sitting at the beach watching the waves and crocheting. I very rarely am awake in time to see the sunrise, but have so many memories of sunsets over the beach and wanted to create a quilt that gave me that same feeling. 

Sunset image
The Design 
Diamond Quilt pattern

 This design almost fell into my brain. It doesn't always happen like that! But for this quilt, the expanding rings of colour was exactly what I wanted to capture the colour change coming out of the setting sun. 

A whole lot of maths later (a necessary evil for quilt design, unfortunately) the quilt pattern was ready.




The Colours 

Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, store bought fabric isn't what the quilt needs; either the colours or the patterns just don't feel right. Cue the wonder of ice dyed fabric! I can control the colours and which ones to blend, while at the same time the ice dying method means that each piece of fabric is completely unique from each other. As the ice melts the dye powder lands onto the fabric at different rates, allowing for beautiful variances in depth of colour and pattern. 


 The Creating 

 Now the cutting and sewing begins! Many hours, cups of coffee, true crime podcast episodes and ironed seams later, the quilt top is finished and ready to be sewn onto a mink blanket. The mink blanket isn't the traditional choice for quilt backing, but it is so soft, so cosy for snuggling under. And isn't that the whole point of having your own quilt? 

The edges of each quilt are handsewn onto the mink blanket. It does take more time, but creates a perfect finish *chefs kiss* 

The Creation 
The finished quilt. Ready for your couch and either a good book or an excellent Netflix binge.
Want your own custom quilt?
If you already have the perfect idea for the exact quilt that would suit your living room, or have a vague inkling and would like to talk colours and patterns, please email me. I would love to arrange a time to have a chat about your ideas, and to see what we can come up with together! If all this seems too much and you prefer all the hard work already done, check out my ready made quilts.