5 Simple Ways To Get Your Decor Winter Ready

5 Simple Ways To Get Your Decor Winter Ready

It's winter time baby!! I am a winter girlie all the way, I love being cold, the sound of the rain and don't get me started on storms! It is the season for curling up on the couch being all cosy, perfect for a little introvert like me. ‘It’s raining’ is a justifiable reason to cancel plans and stay home, right? ;)

It does have some challenges though… like spending the entire winter with frizzy hair because rain keeps getting on your curls, wet socks from accidentally stepping in a puddle, and how cold your house can get. While I can’t help you with insulating your home, here are some suggestions to bring a bit more warmth into your decor.

1. Consider Your Colours

The change of seasons is a great time to play a little with colours in a no-pressure way! If you have a colour scheme that you’re already madly in love with, consider finding a deeper/darker/warmer hue to swap it with over the cold months. You don’t have to give up your signature palette, but playing with different shades can bring warmth, plus allow for a little refresh and change to your decor.

2. Swap Your Cushion Covers

For an easy way to try those new deep colours, swap out your cushion covers. And while you're playing with colours, maybe try fabrics known for their warmth and plushness like velvet or boucle. Here is a winter ready collection with some gorgeously warm textures and colours. In just a few seconds, you can turn your couch into a snuggle paradise! Don’t like how they look? Just swap the covers back. Easy as!   

3. Heavier Curtains 

In summer you want lightweight and sheer curtains, letting in all that gorgeous summer light. In wintertime there's not so much light, but there is coldness that comes in windows supper efficiently and turn your cosy cave into an icebox. I speak from experience here, I used to live in a house with walls of gorgeous windows. Absolutely beautiful, and absolutely freezing in winter. The amount of cold emanating from the glass was incredible. Investing in some heavier curtains during the winter may even help your power bill, as well as making the evenings a little warmer and a lot more pleasant. 

4. Check Your Lighting

I think I mention this in nearly every post, but check your lighting! A warm, soft glow from lamps around the room is so much more pleasant and atmospheric than the potentially harsh white light from overhead lights, which only highlight how cold it is. Second-hand stores can have some great lamps, put in a warm tone lightbulb and you are good to go! Candles are another great way to add gentle lighting, a hint of warmth and a gorgeous scent.  

 5. Layering Up

Blankets! Rugs! Quilts! Another easy way to take away the nip from the winter chill is floor rugs. They are a great way to stop the cold, add some colour and tactile joy to your home. I have even been known to throw a woven blanket on the ground to use a floor rug. (Also, just ask my mum. She has been using one of the quilts I gave her as a floor rug next to her bed for the last 7 years. *serious side eye*). As well as rugs, add throws to your couch. Is winter complete without some serious snuggling under a soft quilt? I think not! And if you would like a truly unique addition to your winter decor, I design custom quilts to suit your home and style. Simply send me a message and I can create a simply stunning quilt for your winter snuggling needs! 

 Enjoy your winter all the more with these easy ways to bring more warmth into your home. Let me know which ones you tried and if they worked for you!

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